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Cameras > Voigtländer

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1929-1949. Self-erecting rollfilm camera. Similar to the "Rollfilm". There were many sizes and modifications. All models are priced about the same.
1929: 6x9, brilliant finder;
1930: 6x9 and 6.5x11, brilliant and folding finders;
1932: 3.4x5.5 and 6x9, lens on rails, replacement to "Inos";
1935: 4.5x6 and 6x9, shutter release on door;
1937: 4.5x6 and 6x9, finder with cover;
1945: same as 1937, some models had sync;
1949: similar to 1937, better shutters.

Camera manual

Voigtländer: Bessa camera

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by bill339 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:30 pm

The Voigtländer Bessa was introduced in 1929. It was the first self-erecting rollfilm camera from Voigtländer, making 6x9cm images. The 1930 model is slightly smaller than the original (1929), and has flat body ends (the original 1929 version has rounded ends). The later model also had nickel trimmed body edges and a folding frame finder, which the original (1929) lacks. Both have a leatherette covered body with three-point front cell focusing (Landscape, Group and Portrait, written in German in red letters below the lens), and a Voigtar lens. The 1929 version has a 7.7/12cm lens in a Vario shutter while the 1930 version sports a 6.3/10cm lens in an Embezet shutter. On the 1929 model the Bessa label can only be found on the leather handle. The Voigtlander Bessa line of cameras are confusing no matter what year they were made.

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